I'm Not Sick,I Only Applied Weight Loss -- Ngozi Ezeonu

Reacting to questions concerning her new look, here is what Actress Ngozi Ezeonu's had to say:

I am not sick, I have been battling with my weight for ten years and I have finally achieved what I want. I am not sick, it is my choice to loose some weight and I pulled it off. I feel good loosing weight, it takes a lot of discipline.

How did you pull it off?
I cut off eating a lot of things, I was addicted to coca cola, juice and I cut off all that, I also stopped eating banana altogether, it took a lot of discipline.
I stopped eating too much carbohydrates and I eat more of proteins and a lot of veggies…a lot"

So you are not ill?
I wonder why they will think I am ill when my skin is glowing and when I feel good..when people are used to see you looking fat and they see all the fat gone, their eyes plays tricks on them"

What is the secret of your glowing skin?
I didn't do anything, I don't even do facials, I don't even have a cleanser. I just drink lots of water and don't forget I am light skinned".

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