'BBA will be my third and Last Reality Show' - Melvin Oduah

Melvin, the Nigerian housemate at the just concluded Big Brother show bears his mind in an interview and his experience as well as making Nigerians know that Big Brother Africa would be his third and his last reality show ever.

Did you enjoy your stay at the Big Brother house?
It was a wonderful experience. I couldn’t have wished for another. It. Was just two of us that were chosen. It is an atmosphere that you learn a lot of things. I learnt a lot of things in three months that I have not been able to learn in the 28 years of my life. It was well worth it.

There was a nomination show that you were nominated for eviction yet you didn’t use your power as the head of house to save yourself and put up another person, why?
In BBA, you have to do what you have to do. It was a very difficult decision for me. But I just had to do it that way. I couldn’t think of any housemate that I could swap and put up for eviction. I had already seen what happened to Hakeem. I just had to tell Big Brother to leave the list as it was.

What if you had been evicted in the process?
In life, you have to take risks. That was a risk I took. I was ready for the consequences. But I thank God I wasn’t evicted.

You were always exhibiting drama and displaying so much emotion each nomination day that you had to save and swap somebody. Was it all strategy?
Let me tell you, there was nothing I did in that house that was strategy. I was real. Whatever you saw me display in the house was very natural, that is who I am. Swapping somebody in the house wasn’t an easy thing for me to do each time I was head of house.

You were perceived as Melvin the nice guy in the house. Don’t you think your niceness worked against you?
It is an awesome thing if I am perceived as a nice guy. Nothing was fake. It is the same me that you see. I don’t think it worked against me either.

What went on your mind when you were evicted?
I was already prepared for it. We were told that our names would be called one after the other. It is all good. When I heard my name, I took it in good fate.

Do you think you were cheated out of the show?
I don’t think so. Remember that Nigeria has won it three times. I am sure they felt we dominated the show.

You were attracted to Selly and later to Dillish. Who were you really attracted to?
I don’t fall in love and I didn’t see myself falling in love in the house. Love just doesn’t happen. For me, love is a gradual process. That was why I didn’t ‘toast’ anybody.

First it was Gulder Ultimate Search and later Mr. Nigeria and now Big Brother. Do we see you go into any competition again?
Ah! I have tried o. I am not the only one in Nigeria. I don’t intend to go into any other competition. I would just use this platform I have now to move my career. I have been finishing as a runner up in all this shows. But I am not jinxed. It is not easy to be in this competition. It has a little bit of psychological effect on you but it is all good. That you didn’t finish first doesn’t mean that you are not good enough. I look at the positive side. I will not sulk but I will keep doing what I have to do.

What do you intend to do after now?
I am going to take my acting career to greater heights. I was an actor before I got into the house. I think that my acting career will go up.

Are you happy that only the winner takes it all in the show?
I don’t know why it is like that but that has been the format of the show. The winner has won the prize and I am happy for her.

Did you want her to win?
I was routing for myself. I wanted to win the money. But then, she is a wonderful person. Her story is interesting. I can only wish her well.

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