See photo of Mavin Artiste, wande coal and his 18year old girlfriend

Okay, we all know Wande coal to be a lovely/charming man, the black diamond himself!

According to unconfirmed sources, wandecoal has decided to settle down with a particular lady nicknamed "OY" apparently,  her first name and last name has not been confirmed yet!

Oy professed her love for the Mavin Artiste, by posting this photo online, with a caption "My Love, My world"

According to uncomfirmed sources, both of em' have been together since November last year (2012) when she was 17! Lol

And the photo below was taken in January in wande coal's Abuja House.

wande coal and girlfriend
Wande coal and girlfriend

1 comment:

  1. stop spreading lies,.. the person in the picture clearly isnt Wande Coal... get accurate


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